Monday 25 November 2013

24th November 2013 - Lydiard Park, Swindon

Race Report for UK Team C

Paul Beales (Captain)
Marl Barbosa
Henry Clayson (aged 13)
Joseph Clayson (aged 11)
Jonty Beales (aged 7 3/4)

The C Team was the last team to start. After all placing one foot on the ball, our youngest team player Jonty kicked off and Marl, Henry and Joseph set off from the start line down the gravel path like bullets from a gun chasing after the ball.

They were closely followed by Jonty and Paul, who soon tired of the quick pace and quickly dropped behind over the grass field to the park boundary.

The leading team members quickly slowed down on the perimeter path after the first kilometre or so though, and Jonty and Paul caught up with their enthusiastic colleagues by the 2km mark, where Paul had his first kick of the ball.

By 2.5km poor Jonty had developed a stitch, which made it too painful to run and the three front runners got even further ahead. Unfortunately, team captain Paul was the only one who knew the route, and the speedy ball players had to wait for their navigator and Jonty to catch up.

When Paul and Jonty arrived back at the start line crossover point, Jonty dropped out to stay with his mum, whilst Paul raced off to catch up with his team members waiting at the walled garden and the team of four set off around the house towards the lake at a good pace, taking it in turns to control the ball. 

As the team approached the lake, we were amazed to turn around and find Jonty trying to catch up with his team, and we were back to a full squad of five! The undulating path around the lake was an interesting exercise in ball control. It was here we met a friendly German Shepherd who joined in the game for a while. Luckily it was gentle with the ball and the ball survived to play another day.

Henry and Joseph were starting to feel the pace by the 4km mark, and Marl and Paul took over the ball for a while. The team unfortunately missed a small loop around the lake here as we headed off towards the cafe.

With half a kilometre to go the team turned right at the cafe and regrouped ready for a strong finish and photo opportunities at the finish line. Unfortunately, the other two teams had NOT turned right at the cafe, and had approached the finish line from the wrong direction! Chief Photographer Loy Beales was therefore caught completely by surprise when the C Team came charging down on her from behind! :)

Click HERE to see our route and times on Runkeeper.

NOTE - As the C Team were the only team to complete the course correctly (apart from the lake loop which all teams missed) - we hereby claim the title of UK Team TrailBall Navigate Champions!

The C Team crossed the finish line in 40 some minutes, but due to the missed loop at the lake, we still had 0.3km to go, and had to do a quick out-and-back to make up the exact 5km distance. We finished the race with our feet on the ball in (all things considered) a very respectable 44 minutes and 13 seconds.

All team members enjoyed the challenge. Special mentions go to Joseph, for doing his first 5km run ever, and Jonty, for not giving up. Star Player for C Team however goes to Henry, for his grit and determination, despite being completely worn out near the end!

Summary from Paul: "The most fun 5K I've ever done!"

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